Bromley Croquet Club
We invite prospective members to come along to a club session or an introductory session to see if they like the club and to meet other members before joining.
The current annual membership fee is £135 for playing members plus a one off joining fee of £5. If you join during the season a pro rata payment is calculated. The current annual fee for social members is £10.
As a member you can play in all the club competitions and also in friendly and league inter club matches. For home matches we provide a lunch for all day matches and tea for afternoon ones. When travelling to away matches by car passengers are asked to share the cost of petrol.
The club owns all the necessary equipment including mallets however if you become keen we recommend that you purchase your own mallet.
The club’s AGM is usually held in November and we hold an annual prize winners lunch in December.
We also organise:
Quiz evenings
Founders Day Picnic
Events for charity
Restaurant outings
Winter social card games
If you join the club you will receive:
Lawn access Information and a key to the clubhouse (a key deposit of £10 is payable)
A club badge
A list of members and their contact details
A list of club matches
We play both traditional Association Croquet - a game of strategy that could be called snooker in the fresh air - and Golf Croquet which has simpler rules but still rewards skilful play. Both games use the same equipment and lawn layout.
Our ground can be laid out as one large lawn and one small lawn or up to 3 small lawns. In theory up to 24 players can play simultaneously but that can be rather crowded.
Members may also use the lawns for practice and games at all other times outside the Club Session times except when the groundsman is working on them.
It is traditional to wear whites for inter club matches. For club sessions and internal competitions casual clothing is appropriate but flat shoes must be worn at all times to protect the lawns.
Croquet is an equal opportunity game, played on equal terms by all. An individual handicap system is in place for some internal club competitions and also for some matches against other clubs.
If you are interested in joining our club please contact Tony Besgrove on 07757921451 or malletsandhoops@gmail.com